Evènements passés

– Cerebellum day: 30 -31 Janvier 2020, Strasbourg

L’inscription est obligatoire pour des raisons mogistiques
Veuillez créer votre compte Neurex et vous inscrire ici: https://www.neurex.org/events/events-to-come/item/435-meeting-cerebellum Nous aurons un nombre limité de d’emplacements pour les affiches, Si vous souhaitez présenter un poster, veuillez m’envoyer votre titre dès que possible (mail: philippe.isope@inci-cnrs.unistra.fr)

– Cerebellum Gordon Research ConferenceJuly 14-19, 2019

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Prof. Catherine STOODLEY

Department of Psychology– Center for Behavioral NeuroscienceAmerican University, Washington DC

“The “little brain” and little brains: The cerebellar contribution to neurodevelopmental disorders”

Abstract:The cerebellum (“little brain”) is considered a neuronal learning machine, and is critical in motor skill acquisition. More recently, it has emerged that the majority of the human cerebellum is interconnected with association cortices, providing the anatomical substrate for a cerebellar contribution beyond the motor realm. Evidence from clinical populations indicates that pediatric cerebellar damage is associated with long-term cognitive and behavioral consequences. Further, cerebellar structural and functional differences have been reported in several neurodevelopmental disorders, including developmental dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders. Specific cerebellar regions are implicated in each of these disorders, suggesting that the developmental impact of cerebellar dysfunction could depend on the regional circuits within the cerebellum that are affected. Our recent work combines human neuroimaging and neuromodulation to understand the specific cerebellar sub regions associated with autism, their function, and the potential mechanism by which cerebellar dysfunction might contribute to autism. These findings will be discussed within the framework of cerebellar functional topography and cerebellar learning mechanisms, with the goal of generating new hypotheses regarding the cerebellar contribution to typical development and developmental disorders.

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– France Cerebellum Club a été représenté à Neurofrance en mai 2019

     Symposium Program

– SRCA Symposium 201916-17 May 2019, Sheffield, UK

– Probing Neural Dynamics with Behavioural Genetics – April 10-13, 2019


– Cerebellum-Striatum-Hippocampus network – Paris, Pitié Salpêtrière hospital, March 15th and 16th, 2019

Meeting Program

– Neuronal circuits in motor behavior – OIST workshop, Feb. 18-20, 2019


– France Cerebellum Club-2nd meeting-January 28-29, 2019

Meeting Program


Daniela Popa (ENS and France Cerebellum Club) and Roy Sollito (Baylor College of Medicine) have been elected as Vice Chairs for the next Gordon Research Conference (2019)

– Conférence  Pr. Chris De Zeeuw, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Title: « How the cerebellum can help us the way we think »
September 24, 2018, Collège de France

– The cerebellum: Fundamental and Clinical Neuroscience – Cells, Systems and Behaviour
Royal Holloway, University of London: April 12th & 13th, 2018

France Cerebellum kick-off meeting: January 25th & 26th, 2018
Keynote speaker: Nathaniel Sawtell (Columbia University)
jan 2018-Program Kickoff FCC


July 30 – August 4, 2017 – Cerebellum Gordon Research Conference: Novel Perspectives on Cerebellar Development, Physiology, and Disease

May 24-26, 2017 – 8th international Symposium: Cerebellum: from development to disease.

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